Monday 27 February 2017

The history of the very famous metal work in Iran

So today we will be mainly focusing on the history of Iran and how this metalwork came into being one of the most famous crafts work in Iran and now the world.
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lion abstract showpiece made out of gold

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Persia or Iran as we know it was one of the earliest civilisations in the world. The need of the hour made the people of Iran search for some materials that were strong enough and could sustains the wear and tear of it. That is when metals came into the picture. They were used for many purposes. It soon became one of the most artistic medium in both pre and post Islamic periods. It was and is still made mainly from metals like brass and bronze but other metals like gold, silver, copper and tin was used as well. The intricacy of the work done on it makes it special and different from other crafts in the world. It has evolved time and again, from dynasties to dynasties which were ruling that part of the world at that point of time. Dynasties like the Archemenid and Sasanions played an important role in developing this art in the pre-Islamic period.
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lion abstract showpiece made out of gold

Dynasties like Ilkhanids, Timurids, Khorasans and Safavids played an important role in further development of this art, although it saw a gradual decline in this craft at the end of Safavids dynasty in the post Islamic periods. So starting right from the Achaemenid dynasty of 550 BC- 330 BC to latest centuries of twentieth this craft has gone through many ups and downs. It began a new era in Iran and other regions which were close. There were also other influences on art of the period that came from as far as China and Mediterranean region. It ls still one of the important job and work that people or artisans do in Iran for their daily living. It also kept like a treasure and proud piece of craft in an Iranian household.   

Achemenian Period
The distinguished jewelry and exquisite metal works of Achaemenian period can specifically be found among those made artistically for kings and their courtiers. Some of the objects found belonging to this era, are metal made rhytons in form of the head, face, upper body and front paws of animals. There have also been discovered other forms of metal works like bowls, jars and spouted ewers having handles in shape of animals bodies.
The works of the next dynasties like Seleucids and Parthians were under Greek and Roman influence.
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armlet given the shape of an animal
Sassanian Period
During Sassanians, metalwork was flourished, became popular and exceeded the Empire’s borders. The most famous forms were made of gold, silver and bronze were: big round plates, round trays with serrated reversed edges, oval jars with long trumpet-like bases and pear-like vases having long irregular necks. Themes on silver plates were royal hunting fields, coronation ceremonies, feasts, dances and religious scenes.
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sassanian plate showing sassanian king spearing a roman

Metalworking during Post-Islam Iran

Girls, birds, felines, legendary animals, etc were the common motifs still decorating metal works.
In post-Islam period, most of the forms used in metal works were prototypes like plate, buckets, most types of lights, multi-flamed candlesticks, chairs, small make-up tools, etc.
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During Abbasids, certain metal works were made in Baghdad like some ewers in forms of excellently shaped geese, deers, roosters and humped cows.
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ewer made of brass
Under Samanids, bronze cast animals and birds were created in innovative manners. Highly valuable objects were made of cheap raw materials like copper, zinc, tin and lead.
Sprinklers, cups, decanters, etc made during 11th and 12th centuries are indicative of luxurious lives among the wealthy.
Some personal belongings of such classes of people consisted of armor and weaponry decorated by gold and silver and black enamel, silver belts with their gilded or enameled annexations, silver arrows, silver-beaded rosaries, boxes of amulet and talisman made of half-gilded silver, gold cups, silver bowls, saucers, ewers, jars, vases, water containers, plates, etc.
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These classes of people were the patrons of the gold and silver works in early post-Islam Iran.Metalworkers were focused on cheaper raw materials, but created some unparalleled products, silver and gold patterns on brass works.
In general, Iran proved to be continuously known as a center for producing metal sheets and silver, gold damascening on other metal materials for seven hundred years (since pre-Islam era).
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So people I hope that i was able to enrich your knowledge in some way and didn't make it boring for you guys. But this topic is honestly a vast topic to start with and difficult to summerise but ..... anything for you all!!
See you again soon until then stay happy and healthy and keep smiling!! :D

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